Latest Features

At Options Software, we are always looking at what new features would benefit our clients in their day to day business and deliver these with our regular upgrade program.

Below are just a few of the more recent additions to the Options suite of programs.

Master-Child Product Selections

Master-Child product selections allow you to create a Master Item that you can look up and then select various options for.

Group / Bundle Substitutes

Options has Grouping ability which allows you to enter all the components of the product for purchase orders and assembling. These components can be grouped or bundled together so that the sales order and invoice for the customer only shows the complete product and finished price, while maintaining correct stock levels for the componentry items.

EFTPOS Integration (Linkly)

Options can be integrated directly with your EFTPOS terminal so that the transaction balance is sent directly to the EFTPOS machine without having to manually enter the amount. Options is a Linkly Accredited POS vendor for Cloud integration.
PO Box 3503, Loganholme, Qld 4129 Australia.
Phone: 07 3806 2631