Options Mobile is the latest add-on program available for Options.
It provides an interface that can be used on multiple Apple and Android devices and integrates with Options in real-time.
Real time interface to Options.
Stay informed and up to date whether you have one store or many with the ability to change which company data you are viewing directly from the app.
Control which users can access certain features.
Search for a customer to see their sales history, contact information and account balance.
Call a customer directly from the app.
View multipe contacts and addresses for the one customer.
Customer Relationship Management
Keep ahead of CRM by entering calls to or from customers on the go.
Ability to update any overdue or outstanding call.
View completed calls between selected dates.
Create a new enquiry or project with the option of attaching a next call to it.
View and edit existing enquiries and projects.
When CRM calls are added or edited they can be added to your Office 365 calendar.
Search for stock and view the amount of stock on hand, its price and description.
Ability to also see future supply orders and their estimated time of arrival.
Create a sales order or a quote directly from your own mobile device.
Apply custom percentage or dollar value discounts per line.
Search for a supplier to view their contact details and address.
Display an order/invoice.
Customers can then sign for their goods on the application which is captured and sent back to Options which is available for staff in the office/store to see signature against the delivery straight away.
Barcode support for scanning orders/invoices on delivery.
Delivery tracking (records quantities delivered, time taken, signature and photo proof)
Sales Statistics
View live sales and budget statistics of your business and sales areas.
Displayed in a gauge and line graph with over 14 different display combinations.
Have you seen our e-commerce solution - OPTIONS API? or OPTIONS MOBILE?