Options reporting allows you to print, email, display to screen or export to multiple formats including PDF, Excel and Word. There is a wide variety of pre-defined reports including those mentioned below.
For reports relating to customer sales, payments, stock, deliveries refer to
Sales/Stock Reports.
- Customers / Debtors Trial Balance: Generate a detailed or compressed aged trial balance by customer with various options to include certain ages or perform aging using different methods. Also includes an option to exclude deposits so users can see outstanding transactions only that should be settled.
- Accounts Receivable / Debtor Statements: Generate customer statements for businesses that extend credit, providing a summary of outstanding balances for settlement. Statements can be automatically emailed to customers with email addresses, including the option to attach copies of the outstanding invoices. For customers without email addresses, statements can be automatically printed for mailing.
- Business Analysis - Report with key financial information from the system including stock on hand value, creditors and debtors total balances, new orders and quotes for a period compared to orders and quotes done for existing clients etc.
- Bank Reconciliation: Perform year-to-date or specific-date bank reconciliations, showing reconciled bank account to bank statement balances, as well as outstanding receipts and payments.
- Receipts Audit Trail: Track bank account receipts, including those automatically posted from the Sales module, with the option to filter by GL account code or date range. Detailed debtor receipt breakdowns can also be included.
- Payments Audit Trail: Monitor bank account payments, including those automatically posted by the Suppliers module. Available by GL account code, date, or payment number, with options to display summary or detailed payment information.
- Account Lists: View transaction or monthly general ledger account posting totals for a specific date range or period. Payments, receipts, or all transactions can be optionally included.
- Bank Statement Audit Trail: Track bank statement transactions, with the option to include payments, receipts, or all transaction types.
- Cancelled Payment Report: Provide an audit trail of cancelled payments within a selected date range.
- Suppliers Master File: View a compressed or detailed list of supplier details.
- Suppliers/Creditors Trial Balance: Generate a compressed or detailed aged trial balance by supplier.
- Transaction Lists: Access an audit trail of transactions by general ledger account.
- Monthly Summary by GL Account: Get a summary of total transactions per month for each general ledger account.
- GL Dept/Dissection Lists: View detailed or summary transactions by general ledger department and account, or by account and department.
- YTD Purchases: Track total purchases per supplier, summarised by month and year-to-date, with options to select specific supplier types.
- Transaction Audit Trail: Access an audit trail of all transaction types by date range and supplier, with options for various report selections.
- Quick Summary: Quickly view total supplier balances and aging breakdown, along with a summary of commitments for the next two weeks.
- Payments Report: Generate an audit trail of payments by date, payment reference, or supplier, with both summary and detailed options.
- Supplier Account History: Generate a report summarising total transaction types per month for each supplier account.
- Accruals Report: List transactions from the current year relating to the prior year, for use in year-end accrual journal entries.
- Opening Balances List: View a list of opening balances at the beginning of the financial year.
- Control Account Reconciliation: Generate a supplier control totals report to ensure system integrity.
- Financial Statements: Generate multiple versions of trading, profit and loss, and balance sheet reports. Include options for monthly comparisons, budget vs. actual analysis, variance reporting, and year-over-year comparisons for both the current period and year-to-date, with percentage comparisons.
- Transaction Batches: Maintain an audit trail of journal entry transactions.
- General Ledger: Provides a detailed or summary audit trail for each general ledger account.
- Chart of Accounts: Access a master list of all accounts in the chart of accounts.
- Departments Master File: Manage a master list of departments / cost centres.
- Control Account Reconciliation: Generate reconciliation reports for all system control accounts, ensuring that sub-systems align with general ledger control accounts.
- Cash Flow Statement: Create a customisable cash flow statement tailored to your business's specific reporting needs.
- GST Remittance Report: A comprehensive GST remittance report that consolidates GST data from all sub-systems into a single report. It includes subtotals for each BAS category, which can be directly transferred to the BAS. The system accurately manages all GST-related matters, including prior period adjustments, as well as discounts applied and received.