Below are some of the standard features included in Options.
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Options allows users to email customers directly from the customer masterfile held in Options. This means that all email correspondence with customer’s is held on file along side any calls recorded as a customer contact history available to all users.
Email has full integration support to Microsoft Outlook™ so emails sent from Options can use your pre-defined Outlook signature.
Point of Sale
Options lets you sell floor stock directly.
Bar-coding support.
Cash drawer support.
Daily till reconciliation for single or multiple terminals.
Integration support to Ingenico EFTPOS terminals available.
Use your own catalogue codes!
Build full descriptions by selecting multiple options for complex products if necessary.
Options calculates prices and costs for you!
Print or email quotes directly.
Quotes are held separately from Sales Orders and are easily accessed for follow-up or converting into a Sales Order.
Quotes can be held on file for as long as required.
Include pictures and formatting on quotes
Supports probability of success to allow future work projections to be produced.
Attach multiple linked network documents to a quote.
Sales Orders
Automatic production of supplier purchase orders from customer orders.
Support of settlement from Finance Company.
Tracks multiple deposits per order plus balance owing on order.
Product Attachment ability which allows Options to automatically prompt users to up-sell or suggest related products which can be automatically added to customer orders.
Allows Gift Vouchers to be sold and tracks gift voucher outstanding balances.
If you have already quoted, there's no re-keying - just convert.
If not quoted, just enter the order while your customer is on the phone or in the showroom.
Sales orders show the progress of an order through purchasing, receiving, allocation and invoicing.
Customer sales orders can reserve items which are on order and in transit from your supplier. Once these items are received, the reserved items are allocated to the customer to prevent that item being sold to someone else.
If the goods are in stock you can click ‘Allocate’, select the items you want to sell, then click ‘Invoice’ and the sale is done.
Allows for grouping of sales orders into delivery runs to automate invoicing by delivery.
Sales orders stay on file to give you full reporting history.
Separate suppliers of 'split' items can see to which other supplier to send their finished article rather that sending it back to you.
Attach multiple network documents to a sales order and allow them to be viewed from the sales order.
Generate customer sold tickets for products sold on the order.
Foreign currency purchasing and costing.
Click 'Orders Ready' to import from current sales orders or you can enter directly to raise a stock order.
If the stock is overdue, click ‘ETA Request' to fax or email the supplier.
Purchase orders have separate delivery and special instructions plus an extra note area in the body of the order.
Statistics display showing the quantity on hand, qty allocated, qty on sales order, qty on purchase order and the free quantity.
Enter supply by dates to allow for tracking of overdue stock.
Options tracks and automatically allocates importing costs against purchase orders. This includes freight, duty, insurance and any other miscellaneous costs. Freight is automatically apportioned based on cubic metres per item, with other costs being apportioned based on dollar value per item.
Automated purchase orders: Options can scan either recent sales, stock below minimum or below lead-time to create suggested purchase orders. These can be browsed and confirmed or discarded.
Costing sheet for foreign currency purchase orders: This enables you to enter estimated costs associated with each overseas order and to arrive at estimated selling margins.
Attach multiple network documents to a purchase order and allow them to be viewed from the purchase order.
Produce stock labels in advance.
Credit notes and integrated stock returns support.
Ability for customers to receive delivery dockets only with a combined monthly invoice produced at the end of each period for the customer.
Delivery run sheets.
If you're invoicing a Sales Order, there's no re-keying - just convert it.
If it's a cash sale, use Options POS system for high volume sales areas.
Automatic bank deposit slip includes payments from POS and account sales.
Items not invoiced remain on order.
Click ‘Pay’ on the sales order to enter customer deposits. Options will apply these deposits directly against the invoice when created so only the balance is outstanding on the customers account.
Full tracking of finance company sales.
Attach multiple network documents to an invoice and allow them to be viewed from the invoice.
Inventory/Stock Control
Stock transfers between branches.
Your own master catalogue without the clutter of multiple stock codes for products with multiple attached options.
Serialised stock control for selected items throughout the system providing actual costing right through to the General Ledger.
Non-serialised stock control and average costing for simple items.
Grouping ability which allows you to enter all the components of the product for purchase orders and assembling. These components can be grouped or bundled together so that the sales order and invoice for the customer only shows the complete product and finished price, while maintaining correct stock levels for the componentry items.
Inwards and outwards cubic feet/metres and warranty years.
Multi-location processing for single entities: This is the easy way for companies with multiple stock locations to operate. Transfers between locations don't require invoices or purchase orders, only a transfer slip.
Orders taken in the main store can print in the warehouse and be invoiced to the customer from the warehouse with the main store's logo on it.
Options prints stock labels and can have the code, description, barcodes and RRP on them. Allocated stock awaiting pick-up can have the customer's name printed in lieu of the RRP.
Item descriptions are ‘built up' using the Options sub-system plus the corresponding sell and cost prices. The detailed description is carried through from sales order to purchase order to goods inwards and invoicing.
Multi bin facility: This allows you to have separate bin locations for every piece of stock.
Greatly enhanced drill down of stock levels and pricing for stock options: This allows your staff to easily see how a product with multiple options selections is priced and also to track how many items with those specific selections are in stock.
Scheduling deliveries and recording delivery dates is automated via bar coding.
Customer pickups are automated via bar coding and a warehouse dispatch module.
Organising customer delivery dates, automatically generating invoices by delivery date and generating delivery run-sheets.
Track contact attempts with customers whose order is ready, but unable to be contacted.
Allows for easy re-scheduling of order deliveries.
Sales / Stock Reports
Options uses Crystal Reporting for all output. This allows you to output to any device on the network and export to multiple formats including PDF's and spreadsheets. There is a wide variety of pre-defined reports including customer and stock best to worst sellers, sales persons commission statements, stock ageing report and many more. It includes sales reporting of customer orders, invoices or invoiced + POS sales. Sales reporting which analyses percentage of sales by stock type (group) compared to percentage of stock held by stock type.
Master File Lists
Customers – detailed customer list by account code, area, name, postcode and business nature or business nature and postcode with options to include various types of customer information.
Areas – master file list of sales areas / sales people.
Product Groups – master file list of stock product categories.
Contract Prices – Qty Breaks – master file list of special stock sell price contracts for date range periods or bulk buy pricing.
Operators – master file list of system operators.
Trial Balance – detailed or compressed aged debtors trial balance with various options to include certain ages or perform aging using different methods. Also includes an option to exclude deposits so users can see outstanding transactions only that should be settled.
Stock Reports
Price List – price list master file by supplier, stock code, product group, catalogue page or stock description with multiple options to include one or all price levels and various other stock information. Also allows full price list production including our unique stock options setup.
Sales and Cost MTD – summary report by product group or code listing sales, cost and gross profits for a selected date range.
Movements – audit trail of stock movements in the system.
Inventory – list of stock currently on hand by product group, code or supplier. Various options including different types of stock and stock information.
Supplier Deliveries without Invoices – audit trail of goods received on delivery docket that have not had a matching invoice entered into the system.
Stock Returns waiting Credits – audit trail of stock sent back to suppliers on stock returns that a corresponding credit note has not been received for.
Stock Take Input List – list used for manual stock take counting. Can be run by supplier, product group or product code and has various options for including different types of stock. Also has the option to print barcodes on the report to allow easy entry of count data into the stock take entry program.
Stock to be Invoiced or Allocated – list of customer orders that need to be invoiced or allocated.
Stock Best to Worst – stock item sales report that compares quantity or dollar value sales per month and year to date total per stock code. This can be ordered by best to worst or worst to best and grouped by sales area, product group, product code, supplier, catalogue page number or postcode. Performance can be rated by sales value, qty or gp. This report can perform this analysis on invoiced sales or written sales and has various other options for including certain types of items or presetting groups of items to be analysed only.
Purchasing – produces a purchasing report or available stock analysis by product code, product group or supplier. This can be run for ranges of items, preset groups of items or items with current inventory levels below an entered number of months using the average sale level.
Stock Age List – list of oldest to youngest or youngest to oldest stock items available for serialized stock items.
Production Schedule – list of stock items and time required to assemble un-assembled items on hand based on an entered average assembly time. Used for scheduling labour to assemble flat pack items etc in a warehouse situation.
Qty Sales – This Year and Last – monthly summary sales comparison per stock item for this year and the previous year.
This report is an essential report to controlling customer order status and has a lot of options for selecting different types of orders and including different information. This report has various formats depending on the options selected. The main uses are:
All - lists details of all orders and their current purchased, allocated or invoiced quantity status, required by date, purchased status and other order information.
Outstanding – details unsupplied orders and their current purchased, allocated or invoiced quantity. Status, required by date, purchased status and other order information.
Available to Invoice – details orders that have allocated stock and are can be invoiced to customers.
Purchase Order Reports
This report is an essential report to controlling supplier purchase order status and has a lot of options for selecting different types of orders and including different information. This report has various formats depending on the options selected. The main uses are:
All – lists all orders and their current order and outstanding quantities, etas and product information.
Outstanding – lists outstanding orders only and their outstanding quantities, etas and product information.
Due in a selected date range – lists order details for orders that are due in a specified date range. This allows the user to chase suppliers prior to the promised date and pro-actively keep customers up to date with current eta information.
Sales Reports
Sales by Date + Group – summary report by product group, sales area, customer or supplier of sales, cost and gp for a selected date range. Secondary format which analyses stock holding patterns by the above groupings and compares the percentage of sales for a group to the percentage of stock held. This allows managers to check if their stock on hand mix is close to their sales mix. This report is available by invoiced or written sales. A bar graph comparison per group is also available for graphical analysis of the sales.
Sales Product – Customer – Supplier – summary or detailed sales report by product and customer, customer and product, product and supplier, product and group or invoice reference. This allows selection of 2 date ranges for comparison and includes sales, cost and gp. This report can be run by invoiced or written sales.
Sales by Day – Week – Month – sales report including sales, cost and gp figures for an entered date range. The sales san be summarised and compared by days, weeks or monthly groupings. Group, supplier or sales area breakup per group is also available and a bar graph is available for graphical analysis. This report is available by invoiced or written sales.
Sales by Sales Person – detailed or summary sales analysis by sales person for a selected date range. Includes sales, cost, gp and optionally commission figures. This report is available by invoiced or written sales.
Sales + Cost Area Report – sales person summary sales report.
Customer Best to Worst – best to worst or worst to best sales report per customer or customers grouped by sales person. Analyses customer sales per month and year to date.
Commissions – sales person commissions report. This report has a number of formulae built into it, and can be tailored to suit your commission structure if required. It currently supports commissions on sales or paid invoices only with various costing options.
Commissions by Customer Budget – sales person commission report when commissions are based on sales per customer compared to budgets.
Transaction Lists
Transaction Audit Trails – audit trail of any debtor's transactions. This report can be used as an audit trail to aid in reconciling the daily takings and has options to include only selected transaction types, date ranges and customers.
Bank Deposit Slip – daily till reconciliation and bank deposit slip. This report is used to balance the daily takings in the system to the cash drawer(s) / eftpos machine(s). It can also produce a bank deposit slip, which can be used to bank the takings without having to re-produce a bank deposit slip.
Customer statement printing for businesses that work on credit and send customers statements for settlement. Customer Statements can be sent out automatically via email to all customers with email addresses that have outstanding accounts. This also has the option to automatically print statements for customers without email addresses and to attach copies of the outstanding invoices to the email if required.
Reports showing an audit trail of quotes with options to list accepted quotes, rejected quotes, pending quotes or all. It allows reports by sales person or customer range. There are many options including a summary report or detailed report as well as a quote success forcast.
Business Analysis
Report with key financial information from the system including stock on hand value, creditors and debtors total balances, new orders and quotes for a period compared to orders and quotes done for existing clients etc.
GST Remittance Report
Comprehensive gst remittance report that consolidates all system gst information into one report with subtotals per BAS category that can be transferred directly to the BAS. This is normally the only gst report run in the system at the end of your gst reporting period as it details all systems and provides the BAS totals. Note – the system correctly handles all issues of GST including prior period adjustments and discounts taken and given. Options uses the Accruals basis of GST tracking and reporting.
Supplier / Customer Performance
Customer Performance – lists percentages of supplier orders arriving before, on or after the provided eta to check on supplier delivery performance. Also has a format, which lists percentages of customer orders, delivered before, on, or after the requested date to check on users delivery performance.
Stock Transfers
Lists status of inter branch stock transfers such as transfers sent and not received or all transfers for a full audit trail.
Return Authorities
Lists status of Customer RA’s on file including full audit trail list, goods received but not credited to customer and outstanding RA’s generated but not received or credited.
Customer Call List
Lists CRM customer calls recorded against customers by operator including grouping by call type, date, customer, sales person and call status.
Sales Order Deliveries
Handles order delivery scheduling. Reports on orders booked to deliver, available to invoice that have been contacted but not booked, available to invoice but not contacted or orders not allocated that there is available inventory on hand to fill. This report lists the order and product details and quantities and any outstanding deposit on the order.
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