
The Options Reporting Module is a versatile reporting tool with robust features for analysing and exporting sales and inventory data. It supports output to any network-connected device and allows exporting reports in multiple formats including PDF and spreadsheets.

There is a wide variety of pre-defined reports including customer and stock best to worst sellers, commission statements, stock ageing report and many more. It includes sales reporting of customer orders, invoices or written sales. Sales reporting which analyses percentage of sales by stock type (group) compared to percentage of stock held by stock type.

The reporting suite has been built directly from customer feedback over the last 30+ years. Some of the reports available are:

Master File Lists
  • Customers: Detailed customer list by account code, area, name, postcode, business nature, and other customer details.
  • Areas: Sales areas and salespeople list.
  • Product Groups: List of product categories.
  • Contract Prices – Qty Breaks: Contract or special pricing by date range.
  • Operators: List of system operators.
  • Business Types: List of business categories.
Stock Reports
  • Price List: Master file by supplier, stock code, product group, catalogue page, or stock description. Includes various price levels and stock details.
  • Sales and Cost MTD: Sales, cost, and gross profits by product group or code for a selected date range.
  • Movements: Audit trail of stock movements.
  • Inventory: Stock currently on hand by product group, code, or supplier.
  • Supplier Deliveries without Invoices: Goods received without matching invoices.
  • Stock Returns Waiting Credits: Returns sent back to suppliers with no credit note received.
  • Stock Take Input List: List for manual stock taking with optional barcode printing.
  • Stock to be Invoiced or Allocated: List of orders needing invoicing or allocation.
  • Stock Best to Worst: Item sales performance by quantity or value, grouped by area, product group, or supplier.
  • Purchasing: Purchasing report or stock analysis by product code, product group, or supplier.
  • Stock Age List: List of oldest to youngest serialized stock items.
  • Production Schedule: Stock items and assembly times for scheduling labor on unassembled items.
  • Qty Sales – This Year and Last: Monthly sales comparison between this year and the previous year.
  • Monthly/Weekly Sales Comparison: Stock sales summary by week or month.
  • Landed Cost Projections.
  • Out of Stock.
Sales Order Reports
  • All Orders: Details of all orders, including purchased, allocated, and invoiced quantities.
  • Outstanding Orders: Unsupplied orders with current quantities, status, and required dates.
  • Available to Invoice: Orders with allocated stock, ready for invoicing.
  • Proforma Tracking: Track Proforma's raised.
Purchase Order Reports
  • All Orders: Lists all purchase orders with quantities, ETAs, and product details.
  • Outstanding Orders: Lists only outstanding purchase orders.
  • Due in Date Range: Purchase orders due within a selected date range.
Sales Reports
  • Sales by Date + Group: Summary report of sales, cost, and gross profit by group, area, customer, or supplier. Compares sales mix to stock mix.
  • Sales Product – Customer – Supplier: Sales report by product and customer, or product and supplier, with sales, cost, and gross profit.
  • Sales by Day/Week/Month: Sales summary by day, week, or month, including sales area breakdown and bar graph analysis.
  • Sales by Sales Person: Detailed or summary sales by salesperson, including sales, cost, gross profit, and commission.
  • Sales + Cost Area Report: Sales summary by area, including sales, cost, and gross profit.
  • Customer Best to Worst: Best to worst customer sales analysis per month or year.
  • Commissions: Salesperson commission report based on sales or paid invoices, with customizable formulas.
  • Commissions by Customer Budget: Commission report based on customer sales compared to budgets.
  • Sales and Budget Comparison: Comparison between sales and budgets.
  • Sales and Traffic Comparison: Comparison of sales versus customer traffic.
  • Sales by Area and Group: Detailed sales report by area and product group.
  • Sales by Product: Report focusing on sales by product.
  • GL Cost of Sales Comparison: Comparison of general ledger cost of sales.
  • Quick Customer Sales by Area: Quick report of customer sales by area.
  • Customer Sales by Product Group: Sales report by product group per customer.
Transaction Lists
  • Transaction Audit Trails: Detailed audit trail for debtor transactions, helpful for reconciling daily takings.
  • Bank Deposit Slip: Daily reconciliation and bank deposit slip for cash drawers and EFTPOS.
  • Quote Audit Trail: List of all quotes with details on accepted, rejected, and pending quotes. Can be filtered by salesperson or customer range. Includes summary and detailed reports.
Supplier / Customer Performance
  • Customer Performance: Lists percentages of customer orders delivered on-time, before, or after the requested date.
  • Supplier Performance: Tracks supplier orders received on-time, before, or after the ETA.
Sales Order Deliveries
  • Delivery Scheduling: Report on orders scheduled for delivery, available to invoice, or those not yet contacted or allocated but with available inventory.
Stock Transfers
  • Inter-Branch Transfers: Status of stock transfers between branches, including sent but not received items, and complete transfer audit trails.
Return Authorities
  • Return Authority Status: List of customer RA’s with audit trail, including goods received but not credited and outstanding RA’s yet to be received or credited.
  • Shipments: Outstanding Shipment report can give a list of shipments and their contents based on a range of different parameters.

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